Giant Plastic Worms
Giant Worm "Craze" Some of us have been tossing 12"+ worms for years but there is a new craze for these in the bass fishing world. I guess our secret is out!! Giant worms? What are they? 10+ inch plastic worms. Some have straight tails, others have ribbon or curl tails. I have more experience with ribbon tails and, IMO, the beefier the better. I primarily use these on my home lake of Lake Jacomo which has coontail, milfoil, and tons of laydowns. The bass get tight to these forms of cover pretty much year round. You can flip finesse baits and catch fish but not the 4+ pounders you're looking for in a tournament (it regularly takes 12+ lbs to win with a 4 fish limit). Solution - throw giant worms. The large profile gives the bass a good target to home in on. The abundance of large crayfish, shad, and bluegill makes the larger bait "believable" to the bass. In addition, you'll stop those sub-legal length fish from bi...